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The Young Israel of North Woodmere has always been at the forefront of supporting and organizing charitable efforts that affect the local community, national Jewish causes, and universal needs.

Rabbi Septimus prides himself on being a chesed first Rav; always deeply concerned about anyone suffering  or in need anywhere, whether affiliated with the Jewish community or otherwise.

Some of the recent and/or annual endeavors to help the community that the YINW has either coordinated or participated in:

  • “Make a Meal” program, providing food for needy families during Yamim Noraim
  • Meals for New Moms
  • “Give/Take a friend” program
  • Friendship Circle
  • Rosh HaShanah cards for Jewish Soldiers in Iraq
  • Care packages for US soldiers overseas
  • Holiday visits to the Bristal Senior Living Center
  • Sponsoring and Hosting Lecture Series Open to Community: “Communal Response to Challenge and Tragedy” and “Nurturing Healthy Communities and Strong Families”
  • Supplies for Success
  • Game Night @ YINW
  • Ping Pong Tournament for The Ilan Tocker Foundation
  • Race for the Cure
  • 5Towns 5K to Benefit Beit HaLochem
  • UJA Mission to Clean Long Beach After Hurricane Sandy
  • UJA Holocaust Survivors Chanukah Party
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784